Most simply, pedagogy is about how we educate children and help their development. It’s the techniques and strategies we can use to provide opportunities for development and how your relationships and interactions with children can affect them.
Early years pedagogy can be many things, but it may touch on things like:
Development – Focusing on how and why children change in terms of their learning and development over time.
Behaviour – How a child’s experiences shape their behaviour.
Relationships – How children change and learn in relation to those around them.
Culture – How family life and culture impact learning and relationships.
Critique – Inviting you to challenge assumptions and issues around power, equality, and curriculum expectations.
Our intent is our curriculum, our plan and what we aim to teach. We offer a balance between adult led and child-initiated activities. Our values are embedded throughout the curriculum. As our curriculum aims for the stars, we offer a language rich, child centered approach, with a carefully thought-out continuous provision and enabling environment that evolves to meet the needs of the cohort.
Our implementation is our pedagogy, what we do, how we teach and how we present our curriculum, to ensure our awesome children make progress. Children’s learning intentions are supported through stimulating activities based on current interests. We have a book, song, word, and sign of the week. This allows us a foundation to offer new and challenging vocabulary to the children, and a base for our enhanced provision. As we love our community, everyday we offer ‘little explorer’ sessions to a group of children, taking our learning around our village. Our pedagogy not only offers our children a stimulating, challenging and inspiring experience at Pre- school but also supports their cultural capitalism.
Our impact is reviewing teaching and assessing the developmental progress our awesome children make. This shows we make a difference. Our children make good progress from their baseline. We show progress through observation, learning intentions and assessments.
Baseline - assessment completed within 15 hours of a child starting.
Two - year progress review - The only statutory assessment we must complete, before the child turns 3. We aim to complete this assessment at the end of the child’s first term.
Termly assessment- Key person assesses each child’s development using their professional knowledge of the child to find a best fit. We use the birth to five matters to aid assessments.
Cohort tracking- this is an overall assessment of the cohort, done by the manager. It helps us to identify any gaps in our practice, these gaps are actioned in the following terms action plan.